How To Capture The Best Moments Of Your Wedding On Video?

International wedding videographer captures the bride tossing her bouquet to all the single ladies in the background.
Destination wedding videographer captures the groomsmen saluting the groom with a beer bottle, in Punta Cana, Dominican Republic.

Weddings are full of joy and love: the perfect time to film some wonderful memories. But with so many things going on, it can be hard to know what's worth capturing! To help you get started, we've put together our top tips for filming your wedding day in video form.

Get an assistant

If you're trying to capture everything that goes on at a wedding (and who isn't?), then having someone help out is essential. This way, one person can focus solely on filming while the other handle any other tasks that can help with the production of a wedding video. You can also get an assistant to help you with running around, getting shots that might be hard for you to do on your own.

Try to stay in one place during the ceremony so it's easier to film the bride and groom

When the bride enters, move around to capture her reaction and allow guests in front of you to turn around. Try to find a good spot for filming during the speeches so people can be seen clearly when they are making their vows or saying thanks. It's also important not to obstruct anyone's view during these events. Try to be creative with your shots. Get an aerial shot of the dance floor or shoot up at the ceiling in order to get a unique angle. Again, make sure you are in one position when filming because it will give your wedding film continuity if done correctly.

Don't forget about your audience!

You want them engaged with whatever is happening on screen - it's like watching TV after all! If there's something that everyone loves (like wedding cake cutting) try to get as close as possible without disturbing anyone. Allow your viewers to feel and be a part of the action. For some events, you might want to capture a specific angle. This is especially true for the first dance and wedding cake cutting - think about what will look best on screen! Just remember that nothing beats actually being at the wedding.

Choose a location with good lighting and minimal distractions

Give yourself some time to get to your wedding location and scout the area. Take a look at the resources available to you and make the most of them. Look for power outlets, flat surfaces to place your tripod, a quiet spot to position your video camera at. Furthermore, look for areas where the lighting is optimal for filming and where you feel there will be less of a distraction. Taking the time to thoroughly survey the area before filming a wedding will alter your performance and allow you to shoot without stress.

Captivate your guests by highlighting memorable moments

Your wedding video doesn't have to be perfect; it just needs a beginning, middle, and end that lets your viewers feel the emotion of the day. Don't let them fast forward or fall asleep while watching! Showcase key moments of the wedding ceremony and reception in a creative way so your guests won't get bored. Capture everything from meaningful wedding vows to cute reactions on camera during some candid footage for more interesting results. Remember this, it's not the length of video that will make it appealing and memorable. It's the quality and how the story is put together. Ideally, it's the shorter videos that perform well and keep people's attention spans. So, if you want a creative and memorable wedding video, keep it short. A minute to five minutes should be enough! This will allow you to relive those special memories from years down the road when you look back at it all again!

Watch for tears or hugs - they're great moments to capture!

A cinematic wedding video isn't always about posing and blowing kisses at the camera. It's about capturing that ultimate shot that was least expected and highlighting it through the power of story-telling. This is what's going to keep your viewers on their toes and leaning forward towards their tv. Look for tears. And I'm talking about tears of joy. Although some sad tears can make for some great footage, you'll want to go for the happy tears as well. And don't forget about hugs! Watch out for these two moments unless you want your video to be dry and dull.

If there is one thing that makes up a good story it's drama - whether it comes in the form of love or conflict. You can expect certain parts of both during any wedding ceremony so keep an eye out for them as well. For example, if somebody makes an impromptu speech this would be something worth highlighting through video coverage since wedding speeches are not part of most ceremonies (the exception being Muslim weddings). Just be open-minded when thinking about what you do actually need to capture on camera because chances are whatever preconceived ideas you have might hinder your creativity.

Build up the drama with suspenseful music and let them know where exactly to look - either towards the camera or away from it depending on what you want to show off next. Shooting footage of family members together so we can see everyone smiling is also another interesting technique you may want to use during this special day! Remember that it's not just about filming what people do but how they feel when they're doing it! This will bring out more raw emotion in their faces which makes for better storytelling.

Make it personable.

Personalization is an important aspect of what makes a wedding video distinctive. Ask people if they would like to be interviewed after the ceremony - this will give your video amazing content to work with. Connecting with others on the wedding day and showcasing their actions and dialogue through an interview will help you document your wedding day is a memorable and authentic way.

Here is an example of how to reach out to the guests. Choose one person at random, preferably not involved with either bride or groom families. Ask them about their life, where they live, work, if they have any pets, etc... Try asking open-ended questions such as "What is your favorite restaurant?" instead of closed-ended ones such as "Do you like pizza?". This makes people feel more comfortable expressing themselves and give beautiful answers that can be used for additional footage during the editing process. You can even ask someone who works at the venue (e.g., DJ). They'll be eager to share their expertise and knowledge with you. You'd be surprised with some of their comments and in the end, the bride and groom will be thankful for this additional footage.

Get the most out of your wedding videography.

Capturing your wedding day on video is the perfect way to relive every precious moment. We're here to help you get started by providing some tips for capturing all of those unforgettable and beautiful moments on camera. The more time and effort you put into planning, the better chance that your film will be one-of-a-kind. Remember these shots while filming and editing your wedding video so they’re not missed! 

For more information about our wedding videography services in Toronto and Ontario, or how we can help plan a memorable event video, please click here.

Feel free to contact us for a free no-obligation consultation.


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