Tips To Adjust Your Wedding Timeline Due To COVID-19

Bride and groom exchange wedding rings during covid-19 pandemic.

On account of the COVID-19 pandemic, countless couples have been impacted, and their weddings postponed. It’s been heartbreaking for them to put off one of the best days of their lives, especially after working so hard and patiently waiting for it to arrive.

To ease their misery and get their wedding on track, the team at Xpression Video Productions wants to do everything it can to help them out. But, given the current circumstances, we’re in, the best step is to change one’s wedding date and monitor the situation. To enable couples to do this with ease, we’ve listed a few tips to adjust their wedding timeline due to COVID-19.

1. Prepare to postpone your wedding day

The most important advice for all couples who’ve set wedding dates in 2020 through 2022 is to be informed and proactive with their next steps. Most couples with spring 2020 weddings have undergone the process of rescheduling their weddings or have since secured a new date. We encourage these couples to move their weddings to the spring or better yet the fall of 2022.

Those who still want to get married this year will need to prepare to decide on whether to postpone their wedding at least two months in advance. For example, those with August or September dates would have needed to monitor the state of affairs until June 1 and postpone accordingly if required. This will give them the time to reschedule with less stress, and allow their friends, family, and vendors to adjust their plans. If their wedding is scheduled for the fall, we recommend that they proceed and closely monitor the situation.

After postponing or deciding to change their wedding date, the couple must notify their guests with a change-the-date alert. They’ll also need to communicate a change in location (if the venue has been changed) to all their guests, which should be clear and thoughtful. Going digital is the most effective way to pass along any relevant information today, so they must make sure they have the correct contact details of their guests.

2. Communicate with vendors during this stressful time

Just like everyone else, venues and vendors are navigating a fluid and unprecedented situation right now. That said, venues and vendors will always want to put their clients first while maintaining the integrity of their business.

So, if a couple’s wedding is fast approaching, they should immediately reach out to their venue and wedding vendor team to discuss their options. Ask about their specific cancellation and postponement policies, alternate available dates, and any policies regarding switching their date to a different season.

Couples must become familiar with wedding vendors’ policies – follow their social media channels, visit their website, and contact them to stay up to date with the measures they’re taking. They also need to keep these professionals up to date with their plans. Communicate with vendors and be decisive during this difficult time.

3. Consider and settle with other alternatives

Another way to make this unique situation a little easier is to have an open mind. While a couple may need to consider a completely new location, season, vendor, or event type, they are not alone. We recommend that all our clients do some research before crossing anything off their list. In some cases, they may need to think about moving their wedding to a Friday or a Sunday to keep their venue and vendors. At the same time, they must keep an open mind to make good choices and not act solely on emotions.

Right now, we’re all in uncharted territory, so there’s no right or wrong way to be feeling at this moment. This situation is affecting people in a way they never thought possible, which is understandably hard to accept, even when they know that safety is a significant priority. It’s okay to feel disappointed or confused while also wanting to maintain as much normalcy as possible, including having a wedding as planned.

If a couple still wants to go through with their wedding this year, they need to do their best to give themselves the time and space required to process their emotions. If they are worried about getting all of their planning done or wondering how the pandemic could affect their wedding down the road, we suggest that they take it one day at a time—it will all work out in the end!

We understand the stress of planning and executing a wedding, especially during this pandemic. To ensure you have an Ontario wedding videographer on your big day, to capture your wedding as you imagined despite the pandemic, we are ready to assist you in any way possible. We are a Toronto wedding videographer, and we specialize in a variety of production services, including high-end wedding videos. To help you keep the crowd small at your wedding, we send one to two videographers, who’ll wear necessary protective gear and maintain sufficient distance from you, your guests, and other vendors at your wedding celebration.

Covid-19 wedding protective mask along with wedding details in display.
Wedding couple kiss upside down with their masks on.

Our friendly team of trained professionals will also take the time to get to know you and discuss your video requirements before your wedding to create a product that represents both of you and your expectations. We strive to produce quality videos with the latest technology and innovative editing techniques to produce stories that you will enjoy watching for years to come.

To learn more about our wedding videography services, please click here or get in touch with us by clicking here.


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